Daily Archives: January 8, 2012

Hello! Late but still Good!!

Hello everyone

2012 – A week has since passed it has been so so good so so occupied that explain why i am late 🙂 i’m sure yours have been as good?!

New year, new hopes, new dreams, new promises, new start….i supposed that’s why everyone loves new year. Erase and restart the bad experience, retry to achieve dreams unattained, revamp new plans…..so exciting!

Resolutions?  I remember me setting some 2 years ago i think i did not achieve them.  But i still believe in resolution like children in fairytales, so again this year is no exception.  The only thing is that my top resolution involves divine intervention, i wonder is it still considered a resolution ha…

Enjoying 2012!

p.s. k mon started the year neat he helped packed the cabinet that i evaded for the  lonest time ;p

luv, summer